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Beispielfoto 2

José Feliciano / Audio CD

"My Latin Street" (2CDs)

José Feliciano’s “My Latin Street” is the consummate anthology of José’s musical roots, featuring much of what has defined Feliciano as an artist for so many years, the quintessential thumbprint of his life, art and career. This limited edition vinyl and CD release is a collection of music gathered together and recorded during the past several years throughout the United States and Europe.
“My Latin Street” is comprised of special pieces of music that have touched José’s heart
personally. The recordings are in Spanish, English and Italian and they are upbeat,
introspective and romantic. The collection is supported by an impressive as well as eclectic roster of internationally renowned guest vocalists and instrumentalists from a variety of genres. Subsequently, “My Latin Street” offers a unique experience featuring both original materials and new interpretations, all José’s personal favorites.
So “My Latin Street” became the most comprehensive collection of music ever celebrating the legacy of José Feliciano.


17,40 €
Enthaltene Mehrwertsteuer 20 %
2,90 €

Zuzüglich Porto und Verpackung.

AGB - Lieferbedingungen

Informationen zur Online-Streitbeilegung: Die Europäische Kommission stellt unter folgendem Link eine Plattform zur außergerichtlichen Beilegung von Streitigkeiten bereit: http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/
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